華麗轉身 嶄新風貌



║ 特色教科書區 ║
║ Featured Textbooks ║
--Textbooks specially selected by this library.
║ Featured Textbooks ║
--Textbooks specially selected by this library.

║ 教科書新書區 ║
║ New Textbooks ║
--New textbooks are displayed in this area.
║ New Textbooks ║
--New textbooks are displayed in this area.

║ 期刊區 ║
-- 教科書研究專業期刊
║ Periodicals ║
--The library provides periodicals for textbook research.
-- 教科書研究專業期刊
║ Periodicals ║
--The library provides periodicals for textbook research.

║ 常設展區 ║
║Permanent Exhibition Area║
║Permanent Exhibition Area║

║ 教科書書庫區 ║
║Textbook Collection ║
--The library provides textbooks, exercises, teacher's manuals, and other resources applicable to all grade levels.
║Textbook Collection ║
--The library provides textbooks, exercises, teacher's manuals, and other resources applicable to all grade levels.

║ 課程標準區 ║
║ Curriculum Standards ║
-- The library maintains a collection of historical and current curriculum guidelines issued by the Ministry of Education.
║ Curriculum Standards ║
-- The library maintains a collection of historical and current curriculum guidelines issued by the Ministry of Education.

║ 海外教科書區 ║
--主要收錄日本、美國、德國、 芬蘭等海外教科書
║ Foreign Textbooks ║
--The library collects foreign textbooks for reference.
--主要收錄日本、美國、德國、 芬蘭等海外教科書
║ Foreign Textbooks ║
--The library collects foreign textbooks for reference.